Friday, August 30, 2013

Change of Address

Thursday, August 29

Well, today didn't turn out exactly as we'd hoped. Kinley will not be coming home as planned. This morning during her feeding, the nurse set her down to get her reflux medication and she threw up. Some went up her nose and the nurse ended up needing to use temporary oxygen support before she got her all cleaned up. Her doctor immediately ordered a chest x-ray to check her lungs, but they looked clear. She will have a follow-up x-ray again in the morning, just to be safe. Anytime a NICU baby desaturates (oxygen levels drop) and requires staff support to recover, the doctors require five days of additional observation. So, Kinley will be staying to keep Devyn company for a few more days.

Kinley is not quite ready to go home yet.
On a positive note, the girls' eye exams went very well. And they both continue to gain weight. Kinley is now 6 lbs. 5 oz. and Devyn is still hovering at 7 lbs.

 See how grumpy Devyn looks when she's not swaddled?

The girls were relocated to another section of the NICU today. They still didn't make it into the brand new wing. They are now right near the nurse's desk and front door....right in the middle of all the action. Now that she has so much to watch, Kinley will never sleep!

 Where's the baby?!?! Devyn was moved while I was feeding Kinley.

 Patient Kinley is on the move!

 Kinley's entourage.

The new Marsh wing of the NICU. Devyn on the left, Kinley on the right.

Devyn is still practicing her bottle feeding. The doctor has ordered a swallowing assessment like Kinley had, just to make sure she has no other problems preventing her from eating successfully.

Although we are very disappointed that Kinley isn't coming home yet, we know in the long run it's for the best. We want her to be completely healthy before she does come home. And it also gives us more time to finish settling into the new house. Maybe she was planning this to make sure she comes home to a clean and organized home.

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