Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Tuesday, July 30

It was a very successful day in the NICU today! Kinley was FINALLY taken off of her CPAP breathing machine (for the second time). We have been so excited for this because it means she will be able to start trying to bottle feed. The doctor is testing her to see how she does, so there is a chance she will need to go back on the pressurized machine. She was switched this evening while I was at the hospital, and she was doing great for the few hours I was with her. I hope that she can keep it up for good! We will see how she is doing tomorrow and ask when the bottle feeding may begin.

The big blue breathing machine is missing from Kinley's bedside again. Hopefully this time it's permanent!

Devyn had her own victories today as well! She was changed from the SIMV breathing support to CPAP. So she is one step behind her sister. Her breathing has not been as stable as Kinley's over the past few weeks, so hopefully she will be able to maintain this big step as well. Additionally, the nurse removed the "nest" from her incubator to simulate more of a crib environment. She will be switched to a crib once the staff is convinced that she will definitely never need the support of an incubator again.
Devyn is wondering where her cozy nest went.

Tomorrow the girls will be getting x-rays of their chest and abdomen, as well as blood work to monitor how well their bodies are handling the recent changes.

Although I should be used to it by now, I am still amazed at their ability to gain weight. Devyn gained 100 grams last night and now weighs 5 lbs. 8 oz. I removed all of the preemie-sized clothing from her drawer and passed them along to her sister. Technically she could still wear them, but they're getting pretty snug! Kinley gained as well, but only 10 grams, so she still weighs 4 lbs. 6 oz.

Kinley LOVES her pacifier!
Devyn practicing her grip on the oxygen tube. She wants it out! 
Kinley's outfit changes today.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Six Weeks Old!

Monday, July 29

Devyn's picture says it all....

Today was a quiet and relaxing day in the NICU. Dad played in, and won, a golf tournament today. So, I helped with the care times and snuggled with both girls this evening. They have been handling their increased feedings very well and continue to gain weight. Kinley is now at 4 lbs. 6 oz. and Devyn weighs 5 lbs. 5 oz.

The girls had blood work done yesterday and it showed that they no longer need sodium. So they are back on a caffeine and breast milk diet again. Kinley's CPAP was turned to a lower setting maybe, just maybe she'll be off of it by tomorrow.

Devyn getting her belly measured as part of her nighttime cares.

Devyn has been staying awake longer and enjoying her pacifier much more lately. These are important steps before she starts bottle feeding.
Kinley impressed me today by using her own strength to hold in her pacifier. She is definitely ready to start bottle feeding!

The girls like it dark whether they're sleeping or awake. Here Kinley is starting to wake up for her feeding.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Spa Day!

Sunday, July 28

Kinley and Devyn enjoyed another spa day today with Mom and Dad. It is so much fun to be able to bathe the girls and see their entire faces with no tubes. This time we did a tub bath (instead of a sponge bath), so the girls were put right into the tub. Even Devyn enjoyed it this time!

 Dad's up first with Devyn.
 Devyn looks MUCH happier this time:-)

Still looking happy and comfortable....just needing a little oxygen at times.  

   "I could get used to this!"   -Devyn
It's over already?!?!
It's about time she gets a "mommy" shirt!
My favorite picture of Devyn today....even if her hat doesn't match her outfit:-)
 Mom's turn with Kinley
 She's loving this!
Who needs an oxygen tube anyway???

All done!
Clean baby Kinley with her new hat!
The doctor increased both girls' feeds today. Devyn is now receiving 45 cc's every 3 hours, which is an ounce and a half. And Kinley receives 38 cc's, so just over an ounce. Devyn's pressure on her oxygen machine was turned down for the second day in a row. Hopefully she will soon be switched to CPAP, which is what Kinley is on. We're still waiting for the doctor to give the go-ahead on Kinley's oxygen cannula (breathing tube) so that she can try bottle-feeding. Should be any day now! 
We love visitors! Look who stopped by today...
Jada's first time holding a baby....ever! What a pro!
Chad and Lindsey with Kinley


Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Big 4-0!

Saturday, July 27

The Marsh girls are 40 days old today! It's hard to believe it has been that long already. Devyn's pressure on her oxygen machine was turned down a bit today. Hopefully she will be able to graduate to the CPAP mode like her sister soon.

In the "race" home from the NICU, Kinley seems to be winning in every area except for weight. Devyn is in the lead at exactly a full pound heavier than Kinley who weighs 4 lbs. 4 oz. Kinley is farther along in her breathing, being on the CPAP and generally being much more stable. Her oxygen rates don't need to be increased as often as her sister's. Kinley also shows more signs that she is ready for bottle and breastfeeding. She is wide awake around feeding times, and for longer periods of time in general. Additionally, she sucks on her pacifier for extended periods of time. So, if we can just get Kinley off of the CPAP, she'll be ready to try a bottle!

Kinley's enjoying her pacifier until it's time to eat.
Kinley is the calm, relaxed sister.
 Although she looks quiet here.....Devyn is the feisty one! 

 Both girls need some assistance keeping the pacifier in their mouth,

Saturday, July 27, 2013

What a day!

Friday, July 26

It is hard work being Devyn and Kinley! Eat and sleep, eat and sleep. As a matter of fact...they don't even have to be awake to eat! So, really it's just sleep, sleep, sleep!

"What a day!"   -Kinley
Today was another peaceful day full of smiles and snuggles. Dad and I spent most of the evening cuddling with the girls while they slept. There were no changes with the girls today. I was hoping that Kinley would be off of her CPAP machine so she could start bottle feeding, but we'll just have to keep waiting.
The dietitian came by this morning to check on the girls and asked the nurse what she was feeding them because they have been gaining so much weight! They often gain two or three times the average amount per day.
It's hard not to get sleepy when your snuggling with Kinley:-)

 "Uh oh...Dad's dressing me again." -Devyn
 "Is this new? What does it say Dad?"
"No!!! I want a "mommy" shirt instead!"
Kinley is wide awake an hour before her feeding...she knows it's coming!
Devyn copying her sister's "angel pose."

Devyn is getting so good at pulling her oxygen tube out that the nurse put an extra piece of tape on her nose. I don't think it's going to do the trick! 
I think Kinley does it better!

Friday, July 26, 2013


Thursday, July 25

Devyn and Kinley had another eye exam today, so when I arrived in the NICU this afternoon it was very dark and quiet. The eye doctor reported that they still had no signs of ROP, which is great news! Some parts of their eyes are still underdeveloped, for obvious reasons, but time should take care of that. If the girls continue to have good reports from the eye doctor, they will not need to be examined as often.
Kinley enjoying the darkness after her eye exam.

Today, the girls were visited by Marie Osmond and John Schneider (from The Dukes of Hazard). They were at the hospital with the Miracle Children's Network to receive a tour of the NICU, which has been undergoing an expansion. I believe that both celebrities made generous donations for the new NICU and therefore wanted to see what their money had produced. The new wing of the NICU should be open within the next couple of days. Unfortunately, the paparazzi (a.k.a. me) missed the visit, so I wasn't able to get photos of the girls' first celebrity encounter.

Both girls continue to gain lots of weight. The nurse today joked that they were going to end up at a Weight Watchers meeting with her:-) Devyn now weighs 5 pounds 4 ounces. She is right in between her preemie and newborn sizes of clothing. Kinley lost a bit yesterday, but is now back up to 4 pounds 3 ounces. Both girls are still on 24 calorie milk (compared to normal 20 calorie milk). The nurse predicted that the doctors will start weaning them of the high calorie milk soon.


 Devyn's morning outfit (above) is preemie size, while her evening outfit (below) is newborn size.

Kinley may get to come off of her CPAP breathing machines tomorrow. Once this happens, she will get to start bottle feeding.  The nurses said that normally they start with bottle feeding just once a day, and then work up to about 8 times per day. Once a baby has shown some success with the bottle, then they get to attempt breastfeeding!

Daddy with Kinley
Kinley's stretch!
 Daddy with Devyn

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Big Girl Bed!

Wednesday, July 24

Little Kinley has taken a big lead over her sister! Today she graduated from her incubator to a NICU crib! Although she is still quite a bit smaller than Devyn (about a pound less), she has maintained her own temperature well, and her breathing has been more stable. So, while I was holding her today, the nurse transferred all of her belongings to the crib. It doesn't look like much...but it means we are one small step closer to bringing her home!

I'm not sure that Kinley was as excited about the move as we were. When she was first placed in the crib, she squirmed and complained. Of course, it's probably not as comfortable as her former "nest" made of towels and blankets, but the nurse reminded her that she won't have a nest when she goes home from the hospital, so she had better get used to it! Devyn will be switched to a crib once her breathing stabilizes a bit.

  Kinley's "big girl" bed (above)....compared to Devyn's incubator (below).

Kinley hasn't quite settled into her new bed yet....
Once the nurse put her on her belly she was much happier!
There's exciting news in the weight department as well. Devyn made it to 5 pounds at last night's weigh-in! She will probably be able to start wearing her newborn-size clothes soon! Kinley, not wanting to be left behind of course, shot up past the 4-pound mark! She now weighs 4 lbs. 2 oz.  
That's a five pound baby!
Our little monkey (Kinley).