Monday, July 1, 2013

Two Weeks Old!

Monday, July 1

Our baby girls are two weeks old today! Unfortunately, they did not behave very well for the nurses least with their breathing anyway. Both girls were being very fussy about which way they were situated in their beds (both prefer their tummies). They both set off their monitor alarms a few times throughout the day and their oxygen levels had to be adjusted quite often. Although this is normal for preemies, it means that Mom and Dad don't get any snuggle time with the girls. The doctors want everyone to leave them alone as much as possible when their breathing is unstable. The day nurse today said these episodes can often last a few days, but they are very common and nothing to worry too much about. I just hope it doesn't last much longer so that we can hold them again soon.

On the bright side, this evening while I was visiting the girls, I caught them both wide awake and alert at the same time.....something that hasn't happened yet. 

Both girls gained a little weight during weigh-in last night. Kinley is now up to 2 lbs. 15 oz. (getting close to 3 pounds!) and Devyn now weighs 3 lbs. 7 oz. Their feeding amounts remain the same today, however, the NICU staff is now adding something to their milk to increase the amount of calories it contains. 
                                                                       Devyn Marie

Both girls have recently discovered all their tubes and wires. Here Devyn is working hard to remove her breathing tube. She pulled it out at least twice just while I was with her.

 Devyn loves her pacifier! She just hasn't figured out how to suck on it while keeping it in her mouth.



                                                                         Kinley Grace

 Kinley getting some help from a blanket to hold in her pacifier.


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