Friday, July 5, 2013

A Reason to Celebrate!

Thursday, July 4

The Marsh girls had a very good day today, probably in honor of their Great Grandmother's Birthday (Happy B-Day Nana!).

                                 Auntie Nichole decorated the girls' incubators for the 4th of July!


 Devyn's blood transfusion seems to have worked wonders! Although we did get a big shock this morning when the doctor had to tell us that somehow a mistake was made and the girls' cord blood was mixed up at birth. So, the girls' blood types were incorrectly labeled. Thank goodness they double check for this before a blood transfusion....Devyn almost received the wrong type of blood! Anyway, when her blood was tested this morning, her red blood cell count was back up! And it showed in her breathing, which was much more stable today. Her feeds were also increased to 21 cc's per feeding. She should soon be off her IV fluids, as they are decreased each time the feeds are increased.

                                                        Skin-to-Skin time with Devyn
 Both girls had their third echocardiogram this morning. The best news of the day is that Devyn's PDA (open blood vessel in the heart) is now completely closed, and Kinley's is extremely small and seems to be closing on its own. This was very happy news, as a closed blood vessel should also help improve their respiratory systems. Both girls will still need to be monitored in the future, because there is a small chance that the blood vessel could reopen.

On Kinley's side of the NICU there was more good news. Her PICC line was removed from her leg and she was taken off of the IV fluids completely. Her breathing was not as stable today, however, so she is being monitored to determine if a blood transfusion may be beneficial for her as well.


                                                                   Devyn's touch time





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