Thursday, July 18, 2013

Two Steps Back

Wednesday, July 17

Today was not a high point on the NICU rollercoaster. When I arrived at the hospital today, the nurse let me know that Devyn had been taken off her CPAP mode and put back on the previous settings. Her heart rate and breathing had been too strained throughout the night. The doctors had said this was a possibility. They will often test the babies to see how they react, and then backtrack if the change is too strenuous for them. So, hopefully Devyn will be able to rest up so that her breathing can improve and she can move forward with her breathing again soon.

Both girls had head ultrasounds again this morning. When Justin went to visit the girls tonight, the doctor reported that Devyn's came back looking great (again), but one of Kinley's bleeds has been upgraded from a Grade 1 to Grade 2. There are already effects of the bleed noticeable on her scans, but how they will affect her in the future won't be known for months or even longer. She will need a MRI done for more detailed information, but this can't be done until she is much healthier and closer to her due date. Meanwhile she will continue to have ultrasounds done for monitoring. The doctor said sometimes babies pull through with absolutely no noticeable life effects, but developmental problems are a possibility. Please pray that her bleeds do not get any larger.

On a positive note, Kinley got another bath today due to a messy situation with her diaper:-) The nurse gave her a swaddle bath which seemed much more relaxing than the sponge baths that Dad and I gave the girls last week. And it made for some cute pictures!

Kinley's Spa Day....

After her bath it was time for Kinley's first outfit too! Well...technically it was her second outfit but the first was ruined in the diaper incident:-) 

Cute chick!

Devyn spent most of her time today sleeping, as usual. I was able to hold her for about an hour this afternoon. Since I was holding her, I didn't get many pictures. BUT, I did catch a pic of her smiling while we were snuggling:-)

Devyn's smile

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