The girls didn't have the best day today. I think I'll blame it on their new location in the NICU. They are right beside the front desk in the front of the NICU so they hear everyone coming and going, as well as all the chatter of nurses and doctors from the desk. Compared to the dark, quiet corner they had before, this must be annoying.
Instead of giving Devyn the swallowing test, the doctor decided to just go ahead and try the rice cereal in her milk. The nurse tried giving her a bottle at all of her feedings today, but it didn't seem to help. The nurses and I think one of the problems is that she doesn't like the taste of the fortifier they add to her milk. So, tomorrow the doctor said we can try giving her regular milk without it to see if she likes it better.
Devyn....before and after eating!
I missed out on the Fear Factor moment this morning when the doctor, nurses, and therapists were discussing Devyn's eating troubles. They were disagreeing on how bad the fortifier must taste. So, both the doctor and speech therapist opened a package of the white chalky paste-like substance and tried it out. Apparently they didn't think it was that bad. I'm still not convinced.
Even Miss Kinley had a down day. She wasn't breathing as well as she normally does during feedings. Her oxygen levels dropped a few times. This just proves that she really isn't ready to come home tomorrow. We wouldn't her oxygen dropping at home!
"Mom, I don't like this bow." -Kinley
"This bow is much better." -Kinley
Devyn with Grandma Carol.
Hmm...maybe this bow is just too big for them right now:-)