Monday, August 31, 2015

5 Months and Counting

Monday, September 21

I blinked and summer is now over and I'm back at work. That means my time as a temporary stay-at-home mom is over too. I was spoiled to be home with the kiddos for so long. It is nice to have some grownup conversations on a daily basis though!

Ellison and Brylee are wonderful! I can't believe how big they are getting! They are such good babies. We are very thankful for them being such good eaters and sleepers! They sleep through the night regularly and rarely fuss.

It seems like time goes by quicker with your second child....or in our case, second set of children. Is that true for anyone else? We're already almost halfway through their first year and they'll be crawling soon. It doesn't seem possible.

5 months old!
(from August 27) 
Ellie in pink, Brylee in orange

Ellie Fun Facts:
  • barely fits in her 3-month clothes (I'm waiting for Brylee to catch up a bit before switching)
  • first to start rolling over, but doesn't do it very often
  • is very strong...she is starting to sit up with very little assistance
  • wins the award for the best sleeper- sometimes we wake her up because she's slept so long!
  • loves to play with her feet
  • did NOT enjoy the first attempt at rice cereal
Ellie was the first to roll over!

Brylee Fun Facts:
  • is still the runt, weighing about a pound less than Ellie
  • rolls from back to tummy, and back again
  • wiggles like crazy and spins around when she lays on her tummy
  • is the screamer!
  • likes to chew on her hand or suck on her fingers
  • did NOT enjoy the first attempt at rice cereal
Devyn "helping" Brylee roll over

Devyn loves her little sisters!

Devyn is doing great and talking like crazy! Her gibberish is finally starting to sound like English. It is so much easier to deal with a two year-old when you can communicate! She is turning into quite a little monkey. She can get in and out of all the cribs in the house (yes, we have 4) within seconds, pushes furniture around as she pleases, and has even tried to climb the walls. Luckily, her attempts to become Spiderwoman have failed so far. I did catch her trying to push her baby stroller up the wall yesterday, however.

Devyn Fun Facts:
  • loves to color (even on the walls and furniture)
  • dislikes wearing shoes 
  • would stay outside all the time if we let her
  • recognizes most of her colors and numbers to 10
  • announces that she's done eating dinner just so that she can return minutes later to eat everything on our plates
"What do you mean this chair is for the babies? I fit in here just fine, Mom." -Devyn

Devyn, our bathing beauty

Look who can get upright all by herself!!!

Sweet Kinley has made some great progress in the past few weeks! She can now push herself up into an upright, kneeling position. She has also started pulling herself up (onto her knees) to the coffee table or her activity table. And with assistance, she will attempt to stand as well.

At her last neurology appointment, her doctor decided to run a genetic test to rule out any additional factors that may be causing her developmental delays. We know that the brain condition from her premature birth is the main culprit. No one actually expected to find anything, so we were heartbroken to learn that she does, in fact, have a genetic problem. The doctor calls it a "genetic deletion," which basically means that one of her chromosomes is incomplete. With the particular chromosome affected, there is a connection with a severe form of infantile epilepsy. However, we are very thankful that there is no evidence of that in Kinley. Affected children usually develop the condition shortly after birth, and Kinley has never showed any signs or reason for concern. This does mean, however, that Kinley has one more obstacle to overcome in her development. We have been referred to a geneticist to discuss her condition and get more information. Geneticists are few and far between, so it will be a while before she can be seen. So, we continue to work with her and love her for the perfect little girl she is:-)

Kinley Fun Facts:
  • loves to listen to us sing to her  
  • recognizes most of her colors and numbers to 10
  • enjoys playing in the water table
  • would watch the baby channel all day if we let her
  • cheers for herself when she "sits up"
  • loves the words "up" and "down" and will make us copy her as she demonstrates them
They LOVE the water table! Notice that Devyn uses it as a kiddie pool. 

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