Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Got Milk?

Wednesday, June 19

Today was a great day for the girls! Devyn had her breathing tube removed this morning and is now breathing on her own. She struggled at times and her oxygen levels had to be adjusted often throughout the day to support this process, but she made it the whole day on her own, so hopefully she can keep it up. She also got to try out a pacifier to practice her sucking reflex. She hasn't been a huge fan of it so far...but I'm sure she'll grow to love it!

                                                            Devyn and her pacifier

A NICU nurse gave Kinley's PICC line another try this morning and was successful! So now both girls can get their fluids and medication through this tube instead of having to be stuck for IV lines. Her poor little leg and foot are quite bruised from the procedure, but it will be so much better for her now that it's in!

                                              Kinley resting after her PICC line procedure

The best news of the day is that both girls were given their first dose of breast milk this evening. It is fed to them via a tube that goes directly into their stomachs. Both girls handled the milk well, and will now continue getting a very small amount every 3 hours.

The girls had some new visitors today. Grandma Carol and Auntie Kim were here to see them. They flew in from Minnesota last night. Cousin Courtney just so happened to be in Las Vegas for work, so she has been coming over to see the girls as well.

                                                    Kinley with her admirers:-)

The doctor has said that I will be discharged tomorrow. I am excited to sleep in my own bed, but am not looking forward to adjusting to being so much farther from the girls. Luckily the hospital is only about 15 minutes from home, so we'll be making multiple trips throughout the day.

We are very thankful for such a wonderful day but we realize that not every day may be as successful. The NICU nurses refer to our adventure as a roller coaster ride, so we will sit tight and wait for whatever is waiting around the next corner.        


  1. So glad you had a great day!! Thanks for sharing your pics. They're very sweet.


  2. This is wonderful news Kali and Justin. Hope the girls get stronger everyday.
