Saturday, March 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Brylee and Ellison!

Friday, March 27

Surprise! Surprise! Another set of Marsh twins decided to shock us by entering this world ahead of schedule. Of course, we were in much better shape this time around at 36 weeks and 6 days, compared to 28 weeks and 4 days with Devyn and Kinley.

My water broke around 4:30 this morning, and off we went to the hospital. I called ahead to alert our High Risk Pregnancy office, as they wanted a cardiology team prepared to monitor the girls. It just so happened that one of the high risk doctors was already scheduled for another C-section for a heart defect baby at 6:00 am, so everyone that needed to be was already here!

Brylee Quinn
5 lbs., 6 oz., 17 inches long
7:46 am
Brylee is our Baby B and the doctors were concerned about the condition of her heart. She was taken to the NICU immediately after birth for further examination. The cardiologist was very pleasantly surprised when he took a better look at her heart. He said that it is very possible she may not need any procedures to fix anything.

 Ellison Mae
5 lbs., 6 oz., 18 inches long
7:45 am

Ellison decided to trick us by pretending to be perfectly healthy. Upon her initial evaluation by the neonatal team, they decided there was no need for her to go to the NICU, so she was sent to the nursery while I was in recovery. Over time, however, the doctors noticed that her red blood cell count was too high, and she was having blood pressure and blood sugar level problems. So, she was sent to the NICU to join her sister.

Overnight Update:
I have only been able to visit the girls in the NICU once since delivery. I've been dealing with nausea and a bleeding incision. The doctors thought they were going to have to take me back into the operating room to reopen and fix the incision. Luckily, they were able to remove some of the staples and redo them. Ouch! And my nausea finally seems to be under control. Maybe I'll actually get to eat something today!

Daddy has been making trips back and forth to the NICU and relaying information and photos. A doctor came to visit us last night to communicate the girls' conditions related to their bloodwork. They think the girls may have developed twin to twin transfusion syndrome while in utero. Basically this means that one twin starts getting more of the blood supply than the other. This would explain why Brylee was anemic and Ellie's red blood cell count was too high, making her blood too thick.

Brylee had another echocardiogram this morning, and the results looked good again. Daddy is in the NICU with her now for her first feeding. Ellie had a blood transfusion during the night, and it seems to have helped out a lot. Her bloodwork results have improved greatly since last night.

Now that my own complications seem to be under control, I hope to be spending a lot more time with them in the NICU.

1 comment:

  1. BLESS ALL OF YOU!!!! They are just so perfect and precious.
