Monday, June 1, 2015

Two Months Old!

Monday, June 1

Brylee and Ellison are two months old already!
Time flies when you're having fun! Or.. maybe it's because we're sleep deprived. Either way, our girls are growing up so fast! It's already time to take out the 3-month size clothes. I'm back at work now, making life even busier, but luckily the school year is over soon, and I can go back to just one hectic job, as a mom.

Brylee Quinn
9 lbs., 3 oz.    20 inches long
Ellison Mae
9 lbs., 13 oz.    21 inches long

Auntie Brylee and Ellie

Auntie Kim was just here to meet her newest nieces and to help out for a week while I went back to work. She makes taking care of 4 kids look like a piece of cake! We're looking forward to more family coming to visit throughout the month of June.

We're gearing up for a busy summer. Devyn and Kinley will be turning two soon, and are signed up to take some park and rec classes. Daddy took Kinley to her first toddler music class today where she playd with instruments like drums and bells.

                  Devyn looking for butterflies.                            Kinley is wiped out after that tattoo!

Last weekend, Miss Lily and I ventured out to an ice cream festival at the Springs Preserve, a local nature center. We had a blast! Devyn and Kinley enjoyed visiting the butterfly habitat and eating ice cream. However, they were not a fan of the temporary airbrush tattoos we waited forever in line for. Devyn wouldn't let the guy near her....even after mom volunteered to get one to show her how "pretty" they are. Kinley screamed bloody murder when she received hers. You would've thought she was getting a real tattoo!

Devyn enjoying her snack while she waits for Kinley to come out of the butterfly habitat.

 Daddy's Girls
 Nap time
 Auntie Kim wore her out!
Devyn checking on Ellie
Kinley loves to count!

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