Saturday, March 7, 2015

34 Weeks Along!!!

Saturday, March 7

 Pic taken at 33 weeks

We definitely have a reason to celebrate today! Marsh babies C and D have cooperated and I've made it to my final goal of 34 weeks! Of course, 34 weeks would not be a normal goal for most pregnant women, but for me it's a huge accomplishment! I never actually expected to make it this far, as Devyn and Kinley were delivered at 28 and a half weeks.

However, it hasn't been a very smooth 3rd trimester. We had an emergency trip to the hospital on February 1st due to contractions. Apparently, the Super Bowl game got the girls all excited (even though I only watched about 10 minutes of the entire game). It took a few hours and two different types of medication to get the contractions under control. I was sent home and have been on bed rest ever since. I've had a few episodes of contractions again since then, but otherwise the medication and rest keeps things under control.

On top of all this, February was a month of sickness in the Marsh household. I was sick with some type of cold/flu twice during the month, which of course I passed onto the girls. And then the girls and I shared some type of stomach bug later in the month as well. It was not a pleasant time, but we survived and everyone seems to be healthy for now.

And finally, last week I was up one night with intensely itchy hands and feet. Weird, right? Well, apparently it can be a sign of liver problems related to pregnancy. It's not harmful to me and will go away after delivery, but it can affect the babies, so I had testing done last week, and we should find out the results on Monday. If there is a problem, the doctor will most likely choose to deliver the girls a bit earlier. Otherwise, we should be delivering at 37 weeks, which means only 3 more to go! (No exact date has been set yet). And no....we haven't decided on names yet either. Let's just say there has been some disagreement!

In one sentence.... Bed rest stinks! And quite frankly, I'm not very good at it. It's difficult to sit around in such a busy house. Thank goodness we have amazing friends and family to support us! My mom and grandma came about a week into my bed rest and have been absolute lifesavers! Then Grandpa Keith came soon after, and mom has kept him busy doing work around the house. Add to that, meals and support from friends and we've gotten by just fine, even if I haven't enjoyed it.

Kinley, 20 months 

Kinley is doing great! She recently received braces for her legs (I didn't get a pic yet) that she will wear to help loosen the tightness in her ankles and legs. Hopefully this will help with her therapy, where she is working on standing and crawling, among other things. She still army crawls wherever she wants to go. In addition to physical and occupational therapy, she also started receiving speech therapy. She actually says, or rather repeats, more words than Devyn, but she doesn't always seem to understand what she is saying. Her newest word is "more."

 Devyn, 20 months

Devyn is doing good as well. It's getting nearly impossible to keep up with her! She is into practically everything and loves to dump her toys all over the house. It's a bit of a death trap trying to walk around. You never know what you'll step on or trip over. She still doesn't say too much, although she seems to have her own language that we can't yet understand. However, she definitely understands what we are saying. She already has selective hearing and doesn't seem to acknowledge the word "NO" very often. 

Devyn runs and hides when she knows she's in trouble. I'm not sure this is her best hiding spot.  

She finally got her first haircut back at the end of January. It did not go as well as Kinley's first haircut. Devyn acted like we were physically torturing her!

 Devyn was not impressed with the car she could drive or the movie she was watching during her cut. She did calm down a bit when Daddy let her play with his phone.

Reward: my first sucker!

The weather is getting warmer, so Daddy set up one of the girls' Christmas presents...a new trampoline! They weren't quite sure what to make of it at first, but they're starting to warm up to it now. 

 Where am I? -Devyn
 Pajama Day on the trampoline with Daddy, or for Devyn...lack of pajamas. 
I'm pretty sure both Mom and Dad are over the 100 lb weight limit! 

Which would you rather have....a mini van or a Ducati? I'd say she chose wisely! 

I don't think Kinley trusts Devyn to take her for a ride. I wouldn't either!

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