At 78 days old, and weighing 6 lbs. 10 oz. (born 2 lbs. 12 oz.), Kinley Grace finally came home late yesterday morning! At over 11 weeks old, she had her first car ride and first breath of fresh outside air. We are thrilled to have her home!
Mom and Kinley getting wheeled out of the hospital.
Her first car ride.
Kinley and I spent the day visiting all the rooms in her new house, and trying out all of the new baby gear. She has been such a good baby since coming home. She is very content to sit and watch as Grandma Carol and I put the finishing touches on the new house. She was a pretty good sleeper last night too, so I actually got some sleep as well!
Unfortunatley, the downside of bringing Kinley home was leaving Devyn behind at the hospital. She needs to get her feeding troubles fixed before she will be allowed home. No word yet from the doctors exactly when that may be. The good news is that when I went back for my daily visit today, the nurse reported that she has been taking all of her bottle feedings very well. This is exciting because until now she was only able to take an entire bottle once or twice a day. She doesn't even have her feeding tube in now!
Devyn with no feeding tube!
This is what Devyn's chart read when I came in tonight.
Now that Kinley is home we have to start scheduling all of her follow-up appointments. Her doctor ordered follow-ups with her neurologist, cardiologist, lung doctor, and eye doctor; in addition to her pediatrician. We're going to be busy!
Kinley's first bath at home.
We look forward to bringing Devyn home soon and having the whole family under one roof. It won't be long now!
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