Summer 2017
Summer is here! The Marshes are keeping busy, as always! June and July have been full of family, friends, classes, appointments, fun, and plenty of sun!
As soon as school was out, the first big event was Devyn and Kinley's 4th birthday party! Grandma Carol, Grandparents Marsh, and even Auntie Kim came to NV for the occasion. We had a Paw Patrol themed party and the girls had so much fun celebrating with friends and family!
Naturally, it was ridiculously hot for the birthday, but Dad put up shade tents for everyone and we had water activities to keep the kiddos cool. We're so thankful for the help from our parents to pull it all off!
Good thing Santa brought all these Paw Patrol toys! They were perfect party decorations!
Cousin Co and her Nickelodeon connections may have been helpful as well:-)
These damn "grass" cupcakes just about put me over the party-planning edge! Maybe it wasn't such a great idea while it was 115 degrees outside.
FOUR looks good on these two!
Devyn's 4-year stats:
Hobbies: going, going, going! (movies, park, shopping, anywhere!); swimming, playing dress-up
Likes: ice cream, TV, play-doh, bossing her sisters around, McDonalds, Paw Patrol, PJ Masks
Dislikes: cleaning, going to bed
Kinley's 4-year stats:
Hobbies: watching Frozen (still obsessed!), swimming, singing, reading books
Likes: McDonalds, Paw Patrol, PJ Masks
Dislikes: going to bed, sharing, trying new foods
Rubble, Marshall, and Everest were at the party too!
I think we had enough to keep the kiddos busy!
The mini bounce house was a birthday present from Grammy and Grampy. Huge success!
The mini bounce house was a birthday present from Grammy and Grampy. Huge success!
Brylee with Grammy
Ellie staying cool in the ball and water pit.
Devyn took care of opening the presents. (above)
Kinley took care of eating everyone's cupcakes. (below)
Grampy must have been on fire! The Paw Patrol saved the day!
Marshall didn't stand a chance against these kids!
Do you recognize these pups?
After the birthday weekend, Grandma Carol and Auntie Kim spent a few days with us running here and there. I always take advantage of any extra hands...more trips to the park, appointments to attend, whatever that's hard to do by myself while Dad is working. We had so much fun!
Grandma snuggles are the best, right Brylee and Ellie?
Auntie Kim playing with Kinley at the splash pad.
Devyn has continued attending her daycare/school a couple days a week, in addition to a few park and rec classes. The tumbling/gymnastics class is her favorite! Kinley has been attending summer school and gets great reports every day even though she doesn't seem too excited about getting on the bus. Brylee and Ellie have been taking a couple classes as well. They love going places but are not super cooperative once we get there. In class this morning they cried and whined like they were being asked to do house chores while all the other toddlers danced, marched, and moved happily around the room. They give this teacher-mom anxiety about the future!
"Mom, we can get ourselves to class. Just don't expect us to cooperate once we're inside."
-Brylee and Ellie
Devyn's First Golf Outing with Daddy
We're not afraid of the 100+ degree temperatures! Bring it on!
She must get her golf skills from her mother.
Dad is quite the photographer! I had to include this one as well:-)
Love her so much!
4th of July
We spent the 4th of July playing and swimming with friends, and then returned home to try out sparklers. Devyn was terrified. Kinley wasn't interested. Brylee and Ellie couldn't decide if they were fascinated or afraid. We finished the evening sitting on the porch watching neighbors (and most of the city) set off illegal fireworks. It was a great day!
Notice Devyn hiding in the background?
And just because I have to....

Brylee and Devyn playing dress-up melts my heart! But don't be fooled by Brylee's sweet pose...she's the bully in the family!
Devyn is such a good helper (well....when she wants to be)!