February 7, 2016
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Christmas 2015
Well, it's almost Valentine's Day, so I guess that means I had better get around to finishing the blog post from December! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season, just like we did! We had lots of visitors during December and January. We hosted Christmas at our house this year. What a blessing to spend time with the entire Marsh family, Aunt Judy, and Aunt Shannon's parents as well. It was a full house to say the least!
Grammy and Grampy Marsh with the babies (Ellie on right)
Brylee and her Christmas Tree Brylee with Aunt Judy
Sadly, the girls didn't get ANY presents. I guess they must not have been very good girls this year.
"But I didn't WANT pajamas!" -Ellie
"This is much better!" -Ellie
After opening all of their wonderful gifts, Devyn and Kinley pulled out their favorite book (Dr. Seuss' ABCs) and started "reading." Proud reading teacher mommy!
9 Months Old
December 27, 2015
9 Month Stats:
Ellie: 17lbs, 7.5 oz., 27.5 inches
Brylee: 15 lbs, 7.5 oz., 26.25 inches
Big sisters have done a great job teaching these two how to destroy the living room by emptying out toy bins and dumping puzzles!
In December we said goodbye to our very own Mary Poppins, our nanny Lily. She began her last semester of college and is now student teaching, so she had to "retire." It brings tears to my eyes to think of how lucky we are to have had her with us. She loves our girls and takes such amazing care of them (and us). Of course, we still get to see her from time to time.
Christmas PJ Photo
One of Lily's last (official) days
You can tell that Lily dressed them when they all look super cute!
And one more of our Lily, because...why not?
Grandma Carol bought the girls matching Christmas PJs and thought we should get their photos taken wearing them. And we all know how well that goes with these four, right? To be fair, they were set up for failure because when we arrived for our scheduled session, they were running at least an hour behind. I get grumpy when I'm hungry too! The photo below is the ONLY one with all four where someone wasn't crying. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but that's ok.
Don't they look thrilled?
Brylee (above) and Ellison (below) were much more photogenic!
After the Marsh family left, Grandma and Grandpa Ferson came to visit for the New Year! They met Brylee and Ellie and hung out in our crazy house for a few days. Brave souls! It was so nice to spend time with them!
Grandpa and Grandma Ferson
Devyn was NOT cooperative:-)
Later in January, Grandma and Grandpa Bjerke came to visit and brought along Nana. We had a great visit with them! They even watched the girls for a week once school started. I'm sure they were eager to escape!
Getting ready for a "Four Generations" photo again (minus me)
We had them professionally taken too, so more to come in the next blog.
And because you can never include enough random photos in a blog post...