10 Month Old Pictures!
Devyn Marie
Devyn is such an adventurer! She has endless energy and absolutely no fear. She attempts to leap off of the furniture at least once a day. In an attempt to slow her down, Grandpa Keith installed gates, cabinet locks, and even figured out a way to Devyn-proof the wine rack!
We visited her orthopedic doctor last week. She received another pair of special shoes to wear to keep her feet flexed and straight--they are a nightmare to get on! And even worse...we had to order shoes with a bar in between that she will need to start sleeping in. I am not looking forward to their arrival. I see a lot of discomfort in her future, and many sleepless nights for us all:-( Other than that, she is a very healthy young lady!
More shoes for Devyn. This young lady has maxed out her shoe allowance for a lifetime!
Kinley Grace
Kinley is a happy, energetic little girl! She loves to watch her baby shows on TV and chew on anything she can find. She likes to watch Devyn crawl in circles around her, but will make her frustration known if Devyn comes too close and bothers her.
Kinley started physical therapy a couple weeks ago. We have already noticed a huge improvement in her coordination and motor skills! I regret not starting her sooner. Until recently, all of her doctors have been shrugging off her delays, saying that it's normal for preemies, and that she gets more time to catch up to her actual age. But her abilities are now officially behind her adjusted age, so her neurologist referred us for physical therapy and her developmental case manager has re-referred her for an early-intervention assessment.
Last weekend we celebrated the girls' first Easter. We had a great time celebrating with friends and family, and took about a 1000 photos. Here are just a few...
Taste-testers: Kinley trying out the Easter grass and Devyn sucking on the Easter egg
Pretty ladies!
Daddy with his girls
Family Photo
Smiles all around!
Easter bunnies!!!
So many pictures...it's hard to choose which make it onto the blog!
Bath Time! (Kinley above, Devyn below)
We took the girls to their first baseball game. It was cold!!!
Kinley practicing her driving skills
Playtime in the backyard
Silly Kinley:-)
Devyn's first time in a high chair at a restaurant!
Our new favorite food....cereal puffs! And BOTH of us can get them into our own mouths!