Monday, February 24, 2014

8 Months Old!

Monday, February 24

OK, OK, so I'm a little late on the 8-month post! Turns out this full-time-Mom thing requires a lot of time. Who would have thought?!?!

We took our first road trip with the girls over President's Day weekend. We drove down to Lake Havasu to meet up with Grandma Carol, Grandpa Keith, and Nana for the girl's first "camping" trip. I use the word "camping" quite loosely considering we stayed in their motorhome with a full kitchen, bathroom, and satellite TV. That's my kind of camping!
London Bridge!
 Grandma Carol and Kinley making a phone call

 Both of the girls caught a cold so there have been quite a few coughs and sniffles over the past week or so. The pediatrician thinks Kinley may have asthma problems like her daddy so she's been getting breathing treatments to help her lungs while she's sick.
Kinley looks calm here...but she does NOT like her mask!

Even though the girls are still not all that interested in solid foods, we finally set up the high chairs. They have turned into play centers for now. Devyn learned quite quickly that she likes the sound of her toys hitting the floor. I'm already tired of playing pick-them-up-before-I cry!
"Who needs food when we have toys?!?!"   -Devyn (left) Kinley (right)

Devyn is starting to sit up on her own now. She does pretty well until she reaches for something and loses her balance...then TIMBERRRR!!! She's also starting to move around on her own. I wouldn't call it crawling....more like wiggling. And so far she can only spin around in one spot or wiggle backwards.
Devyn Marie

Kinley is not sitting up yet but is getting better at rolling over. We've noticed that she is starting to mimic others. Hopefully she'll see her sister starting to move around and decide she doesn't want to miss out on the fun.
 Kinley Grace

Daddy is "helping" with the laundry.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Escape Artist

Wednesday, February 5

Devyn and Kinley are getting so big! I officially retired all of their 3-month size clothes tonight. Devyn, of course, has long been out of that size, but little Miss Kinley could still squeeze into some of them. I wonder if Kinley will always be getting hand-me-downs from her twin sister!

Play time!
Devyn is as sassy as ever! She loves to interact with people and constantly wants to be on the move. It's a workout to try and keep her entertained by switching activities all the time. Although she can't crawl yet, she has mastered twisting her body around and wiggling out of her bouncy chair. Now, if she could just figure out how to walk away from it, I think she'd be happy!

I think it's time to buckle the seat belt!
(I guess she wore herself out during her escape...she's sleeping!)
How do they taste?
Devyn received new braces a couple weeks ago. She was upgraded to a bigger size.  

Kinley still looks a little wimpy compared to her "big" sister. She is much more relaxed and loves to sit and watch her surroundings. Kinley likes to snuggle and has the cutest giggle that just melts your heart:-)
 "I'm busy here..."   -Kinley

The girls watched their first Superbowl this past weekend. We were invited to a party in a penthouse at the Palms (SO spoiled!!!). Luckily they had outfits just for the occasion thanks to Auntie Nichole.
 Devyn is ready for some football!

Daddy is determined to make them fans.....

Dinner at the Wynn with Grandma and Grandpa Marsh 
Check out that smile!
"Whoa!"   -Devyn

 Mommy and Devyn
Devyn, our escape artist: