Tonight we had a little of everything...both smiles and screams! Daddy took care of Kinley's cares (diaper, temperature, etc.) during touch time, and I did Devyn's. Kinley was all smiles tonight:-)
Kinley's smiles
We missed the weigh-in tonight, so we won't find out until tomorrow if the girls put on any weight today. Their feeds were increased again to 14 cc's. Now the syringe holding the milk is put into a machine which injects the milk slowly into their feeding tubes so that their bellies do not fill up too quickly.
Our evening with Devyn started out quietly....
Devyn sleeping peacefully...
...but as soon as it was time for her cares, the screaming began! Once she gets comfortable she does NOT like to be messed with (but who does, right?). She screamed throughout most of her care time, which took longer than normal because her bedding needed changing and the nurse needed to take her belly, head, and length measurements. BUT, it did give me a chance to hold her for a minute:-) She had a couple episodes tonight where her oxygen intake got extremely low. The nurses say that sometimes premature babies can forget to breathe.
In mid-diaper change. It might look like she was quiet.....but don't be fooled!
Sometimes Mom or Dad's touch can calm her down.
Such a pitiful face...the nurse sat her up to remind her to breathe. Don't worry-the screaming restarted almost immediately!
"Hi Mom!" Holding Devyn while her bedding is changed.